Would u go for a blind date?
Doesnt it sound interesting?
so...will u?
for those whose life-aim is fren-making sure they will do..XD
'they wished to get exposure', my fren said.
he will be boycotted after this...wakaka
obviously, im not fren-making-oriented...XD
i dont even giv my num to those 'strangers' who called frens in WWW....
dont simply ask for my num, i wont giv!!
well, it's a lie...
im not that worse~
im still friendly after all...lolz~
a good friendship is
HARD to keep,
a best buddy is
HARDER to find,
a perfect lover is
HARDEST to meet.
After the blind date,
will there still be something to expect on?
the worse, the relation might be end especially for a 'high risk' blind date..
'invest' more doesnt mean 'earn' more....= =
so...would u go for a blind date still?
for me,
once a year is more than enough...hahaa~